精神研究中心 was founded in 2005 as a collaborative venture of 迪肯大学和 圣灵的聚会 to foster research on Spiritan history, tradition and spirituality, as well as to disseminate the results throughout the Congregation, the University and the general 公共. 欲了解更多信息,请参考下面列出的小册子.


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From privilege to poverty, the 生活 of Spiritan founder 克劳德。 Poullart des Places 是一个通过圣灵转变的鼓舞人心的故事吗.

In 1679, 克劳德。 was born into wealth and status as the son of a French aristocrat. He lived during the reign of Louis XIV and enjoyed the lavish 生活style of a nobleman. His early education was with the Jesuits, which laid the foundation for his later 进入神学院.

Then, on Pentecost Sunday 1703, 克劳德。 assembled a small band of impoverished fellow seminarians to form a community dedicated to the Holy Spirit, under the special patronage 玛丽. 圣灵教会诞生了. 他们的目的是支持学生 在他们成为牧师的道路上没什么意义.

The intention was that these priests would in turn serve the poor people of rural 法国和海外使团的人. 克劳德成立时还是个神学院学生 该集团. 四年后,他在28岁时被任命为牧师.

While he was studying law at the Sorbonne in Paris, 克劳德。 was awakened to the extreme 社会需求的差异. 与耶稣会士生活在一起,他意识到了人们的绝望 流浪男孩和扫烟囱工人的生活状况. 这使他大开眼界——于是 心. 克劳德被搬去帮忙,用他的零用钱提供食物和住所. 他很快就发现孩子们既缺乏教育,也缺乏精神上的滋养. 克劳德。 他自己承担起了传授技能和引导孩子们信仰的责任.

克劳德。's involvement with the street children deepened his faith and presented him 挣扎着. 他是否应该放弃一切——律师职业、财富和议会席位 议会——帮助穷人? 经过深思熟虑和精神指导,克劳德 决定进入神学院. 他为了儿子的杰出而离开了父母和他们的愿望 他开始了自己的职业生涯,并跟随耶稣会士学习神学. 克劳德看到了他的许多同伴 seminarians were also struggling to meet their basic needs and again he sought a way 帮助.

祝圣后,神父. 克劳德继续管理着他迅速壮大的社区. It was a short-lived assignment; two years later Fr. 克劳德在30岁时去世. 他被葬在一个乞丐的坟墓里. Fr. 克劳德的遗产将在修会流传 通过它对有需要的人的服务. 圣灵之父,或者说是圣灵,变成了 recognized by the Church for going places that no one else wanted to go and for living 只是在深深的信仰中.

德高望重的弗朗西斯·利伯曼有一段非凡的信仰之旅. 他出生在 an orthodox Jewish family in the Alsace region of France in 1802, and given the name 雅各. 雅各布·利伯曼的父亲是一名拉比,雅各布正准备成为一名拉比 他的研究将他引向了新约和基督教. 他是 弗朗西斯·玛丽·保罗于1826年圣诞节受洗. 不久,他开始为天主教学习 牧师的身份,但癫痫的猛烈发作使他的职业暂停了. 是十五岁 1841年,在他最终被任命为牧师的几年前.

In 1848 Libermann brought personnel and a renewed Spiritual energy to the Spiritans 改变了教会.

Those intervening years were a time of grace and of maturing, as Libermann became an advisor and confidant to many seminarians and others wanting to grow in the spiritual 生活. 他自己的试炼和痛苦经历,以及快乐和感受到的祝福, developed in him a great confidence in Providence and a sense of the Holy Spirit directing 人类事务.

His approach of “practical union with God” helped him, and others, find the divine 在日常生活中,要有信心和信念去面对生活.

His spirituality of responsiveness to the Spirit served Libermann well during the difficult period of organizing his Congregation of the Immaculate Heart 玛丽 and of gaining official permission from Rome to begin this apostolate to people of African 血统. 利伯曼的追随者认为他在这个时候被治愈了癫痫 subsequent ordination as approbation from heaven on the mission of his "little band", 他是谁的魅力领袖和有远见的使徒.

Soon his growing group was asked by Rome to join another much older religious community, 在法国合法成立,但在19世纪中期处于艰难时期.

The 圣灵的聚会 — the "Spiritans" — had been started in 1703, 在五旬节主日,另一位神学院学生. 克劳德·普拉特年仅24岁 years old when he began a seminary residence for poor students preparing for priesthood. 1709年德·普雷斯去世后,圣灵派继续在法国北部工作 南美和远东地区.

利伯曼招募和教育传教士,包括教友和牧师. 他谈判 with Rome and with the French government over the placement and support of his personnel.

Francis Libermann was a pioneer of strategies now recognized as a blueprint for modern 传教士的活动. 他敦促圣灵“与百姓合而为一”,这样 each group received and understood the Gospel in the context of their own traditions. Fr. 利伯曼的热情是如此鼓舞人心,当法国的神学院学生听说 deaths of some of the first missionaries to West Africa, they lined up at his door 自愿代替.

He exhausted himself in the process of leading his great enterprise, and died on February 1852年2月2日,在他50岁生日之前. 令人惊讶的是,Fr. 利伯曼本人从未去过 海外. 然而,他鼓舞并赋予了成千上万的传教士力量 全球.

Today his spiritual descendents serve in 62 countries on five continents, and more 超过3000名会员. 在欧洲,十几个修会省开始提供 并为利伯曼的愿景提供人力资金. 圣灵派回到了北美, to Canada and to the United States in 1872 to minister especially to minorities, immigrants 种族群体. 几十年来,圣灵教父与圣. 凯瑟琳 Drexel in the apostolate to African-Americans in the urban North and in small towns 以及南部和西南部的城市.

On June 16, 2009, the East and West Provinces of the Congregation in the United States 合并成为美国的一个省.

Rapidly-growing Provinces in Brazil, in French-speaking Africa, in Angola, Nigeria, Ghana, Eastern Africa and now in southern Africa and in the Indian Ocean are sending 将传教士派往亚洲和他们自己大陆的非福音地区.

Libermann was a visionary, a missionary, a profoundly spiritual man who has affected 过去150年的历史进程. 他和他的灵魂的影响, in the Church and in the emerging world (including our own country since the late 19世纪)一直是不可估量的.

Fr. Libermann faced incredible obstacles, yet patiently accepted his trials and tribulations 内心非常平静. 愿上帝保佑圣灵教会,还有 我们所有人,通过尊敬的弗朗西斯·利伯曼的代祷. 愿他的精神 teaching of practical union with God through the Holy Spirit bring us closer to the 圣洁之路,我们的日常生活.

This excellent short video is the translation into English of a video produced in 法国:Fr. Jean-Yves urfi, C.S.Sp. Fr. 让-伊夫用了丹尼斯·沃伊泰克的美丽 主播的声音为画外音评论. 丹尼斯是一位美国退休教授. 的视频 (多媒体部门.). 因此,我们沉浸在利伯曼的历史中, 也要感谢利伯曼的专家,历史学家保罗·库伦,C.S.Sp. (author of "Libermann (1802-1852), His 任务ary Thinking and Mystique"), who acts as our guide here, with various other Spiritans inspired today by their 'Second founder'.

在这段视频中,我们参观了Fr. 利伯曼(1802-1852),创始人 圣母至圣心会(2009年9月. 1841年),他愿意合并 (1848年)成立了圣灵会. 克劳德的《世界杯买球》(1703) François Poullart des Places (1679-1709), was inspired by God from his own conversion from Judaism to the Foundation of his Society of missionary priests and the sending 他的第一批传教士去了非洲.

让我们感谢神父. 是谁给了我们这份礼物,让我们更好地了解 the extraordinary Spiritan figure of the 11th General Superior of a Congregation today 目前在五大洲与2.五百名成员,包括弟兄和牧师,还有很多人 of Lay Associates and Friends, working worldwide for the marvellous Love of the God 他对受造之物的仁慈,要为万国所熟知.J.Y. urfi的利伯曼录像



Launched in 2013 by 迪肯大学和 圣灵的聚会, the Spiritan 学者计划 provides an opportunity for selected individuals to conduct research on the Spiritan tradition with immersion in the extensive resources 迪肯大学提供. 这些资源包括印刷和在线资源 精神研究中心和冈伯格图书馆的研究员. 它们还包括访问权限 to academic courses and faculty expertise, the Spiritan community, and various other 匹兹堡地区的教育和宗教组织.








Jean-Michel Gelmetti, C.S.Sp.,
